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NEW SKIN, Without the "peach fuzz".

Here is everything you need to know about this must have treatment. 

Dermaplaning, or blading, is an exfoliating treatment that provides an alternative to light chemical peels or microdermabrasion and is a good choice for anyone who has fine facial hair, extremely sensitive skin, redness or rosacea, or visible facial veins. Our expert medical estheticians use a blunt-tipped blade to gently & painlessly exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells and remove fine facial hair commonly known as peach fuzz.

A noticeable improvement is immediate with softer texture, a fresher appearance & when makeup is applied, the look is noticeably smoother. Facial hair returns softly and will not become coarser because of the treatment. Even products penetrate the skin better following this treatment.


How often is dermaplaning performed?

The normal skin growth cycle is around 30 days and since dermablading removes about 2-3 weeks-worth of dead skin cells, it’s best to wait about 3-4 weeks between treatments.

Can dermaplaning be performed in the same visit as a chemical peel?

Yes, in fact the Simply Skin Estheticians can perform a chemical peel immediately after dermaplaning which allows the peel to penetrate deeper and more evenly. 


Why doesn’t the hair grow back thicker?

Fine facial “peach fuzz” is one of the two types of hair that everyone has. It’s called vellous hair and is the fine translucent hair that you can see if you look closely on a woman’s face, chest and back. The other type of hair is terminal hair, which is the coarser hair you see on the head, under the arms, in the pubic area, brows, and on the lower face in men. Because vellous hair is so fine and different from terminal hair, cutting it does not make it grow in thicker or feel stubbly afterwards.

Simply Skin is one of the few in Utah to offer Dermaplaning, & our clients are



Tel. 801-427-6895




5099 N. Edgewood Drive

Provo, UT 84601




We are open Tues - Sat. 


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